Posts Tagged ‘video’

Right now there’s a scam making its way across Facebook linking to a video titled “The Hottest & Funniest Golf Course Video – LOL” (example screen shot below). During the 15 minutes it took to write this post over 7,000 new users liked the page so it’s clear this is a successful campaign.

This latest scam is very much like a lot of others we see on a regular basis on the world’s most popular social networking site. But this one seems to be especially popular for some reason.

When clicking on the link you’re taken to the following page, tricking you into not only liking the page but also sharing it with your friends. It’s doing this by using standard Facebook APIs.

The page that you are tricked into liking has been liked by over 272,000 users and doesn’t really have anything to do with the scam itself but is perhaps there to make it look more legitimate. The quote “<name>, are you scared? Of course I’m scared. I’m not Superman” is a quote by the actor Jackie Chan.

After liking and sharing the page, and attempting to view the video, the user is taken to a typical CPA Survey scam so in the end there’s no video at all. Note that the attackers haven’t even bothered to change the title of the last payload site. The title still says “Look What Happens When a Father Catches her Daughter on Webcam” which is another scam that went around Facebook months ago.